====== TECH2018/S1/Folder security tips ====== ==== FOLDER SECURITY ==== This is the recommended steps for security on Apache: * Set the default security * 644 files, root.root * 755 folders, root.root Script to change the permissions recursively: Please run this script **in the parent folder** of your Wmanager instance: chown root.root demo.wmanager.org/ -R Please run this script **from INSIDE** your Wmanager instance: find ./ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find ./ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; chown apache.apache ./application/config -R chown apache.apache ./application/logs -R chown apache.apache ./assets/uploads -R chown apache.apache ./application/modules -R chown apache.apache ./application/controllers/cron -R [[ tech2018:s1:installation_guide | Back to installation page ]]