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Deploys in test and production env

When you are confident that your solution in ready to go in test or production you should proceed with the deploy.

This is a script we suggest to use for an automated deploy. Please notice: this script does not handle SQL changes that you will have to do manually.

Script to deploy from BitBucket on a target folder called


d=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

#deploy in a temp folder
/bin/mkdir /var/www/wmanager/repo.wmanager.org_temp

VAR=$(expect -c '
  spawn git clone -b develop --single-branch /var/www/wmanager/repo.wmanager.org_temp
  expect "Username for '':"
  send "\r"
  expect "Password for '':"
  send "xxxxx\r"
  expect eof

#backup current folder and activate the new one
/bin/mv /var/www/wmanager/ /var/www/wmanager/repo.wmanager.org_pre_$d
/bin/mv /var/www/wmanager/repo.wmanager.org_temp /var/www/wmanager/

#overwrite configurations from server side script
/bin/cp ./config/database.php "/var/www/wmanager/"
/bin/cp ./config/config.php "/var/www/wmanager/"
/bin/cp ./config/paypal.php "/var/www/wmanager/"

/bin/ln -s  /var/www/wmanager/extension/pub/ /var/www/wmanager/

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tech2018/s3/dev_deploys.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/30 16:46 (external edit)