This is based on the controller:
public function get_activity($id) { $activity = $this->activity->detail ( $id ); $company = $this->activity->get_company_name (); $statuses = $this->activity->get_transition_status ( $activity->type, NULL, $activity->id_process, $id ); $customer = $this->activity->get_customer ( $activity->id_thread ); $activity->indirizzi_cliente = $this->activity->get_indirizzi_cliente ($customer->cliente_id ); $activity->be = $this->activity->get_be ( $activity->id_thread ); $this->load->model ( 'account' ); $activity->account = $this->account->detail ( $customer->cliente_id ); $activity->company = $company; $activity->customer = $customer; $activity->statuses = $statuses; $activity->contratti = $this->activity->get_contratti ( $activity->be->id ); $activity->magic_variables = $this->activity->get_magic_fields ( $activity->form_id, $activity->type, $activity->id ); // CHANGE FORM DATA BASED ON FORM/ACTIVITY TYPE $this->load->library ( "get_activity_data" ); if ($id != null && isset ( $activity->type )) { $activity_lib_data = $this->get_activity_data->get_data ( $id, $activity ); $activity = $activity_lib_data; } $this->output->set_content_type ( 'application/json' )->set_output ( json_encode ( $activity ) ); }
##Verify Adharsh The get_activities is filling the array $activity which is giving huge flexibility in the view rendering.
$reclamo = ""; $pending = ""; if($activity->reclamo == 't') $reclamo ="<i title='Reclamo' class='fa fa-bell-o red'></i> "; if($activity->thread_status == 'PENDING') $pending ="<i class='fa fa-hourglass-start'></i> "; "<td>".$reclamo."".$pending."<a href='$link'>$activity->activity_title</a> <small style='font-size:70%'>($activity->role)</small> $thread <br><small>Creata da $activity->company_name<br>$activity->first_name $activity->last_name il ".date('d-m-Y H:i',strtotime(str_replace('/', '-',$activity->created)))."</small><br><small>Assegnata a $activity->duty_company</small>$deadline</td>";