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Prebuild front-end pages

Having a predefined business data model is even more interesting when you have some pre-build front-end pages to handle your data. You see in the following two default pages:

  • Customers page;
  • Contracts page.

As a developer, look at these pages to have a reference for you future front-end development. You can click on the following images to have an enlarged preview.

 Customer List

 Contract List

Techichal hint

Contract list view can be customised in the **/application/views/common/be/list.php**, controller for managing the logic can be handle in **/application/controllers/common/Businessentities.php** and model for database operation can be handle in **/application/models/Be.php**
wmanager/default_bsn_pages.1524064895.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/18 15:21 by Gianluca Pelliccioli